MMSS Music Video
'Seh Mum' - Monkey Monkey Shake Shake
OO OO dresses with Light Head at the closing of Tory(@misstoryb) 's exhibition #ShowMeyourPrivacy, Byron School of Art, Mullumbimby NSW Australia. Thanks to the great artists dancing together accidentally:) Sandra, @junglejulee, @Elizabeth, @daisy2sox, Tai, @cusack2, @james.guppy, @milesshall
Grizzly Bear Australian Edit
I had an idea for shooting Grizzly Bear dancing alone but peoples just cut into frames without asking and I couldn't stop them because there is no staff with me but only me Grizzly Bear and a tripod that can't think. So the Grizzly bear started to ask people before turn the music on "Would you like to dance with me or not?"
Grizzly Bear Japan Edit
We thought about go to Thailand but there was a political problem there at that moment unfortunately so we had changed our plan to go to Japan.
Grizzly Bear Korean Edit
Grizzly Bear's home country is Korea. So he can speak Korean. Peoples in Korea are awesome.
Animated Grizzly Bear
We made animated Grizzly Bear before we go out and dance. We didn't think we were going out for dancing when we were making this animation. I have no idea. I can't remember what we were thinking to this song. We might thought this song is very important as our life. Life is something more then that. But it wasn't.